Yes. We accept purchase orders from all healthcare facilities, research institutions, government institutions, military, and well established corporations. Please email your purchase orders to
All product pages have a "Add to Quote" option. Please add all items you are looking for to a quote using that button and submit the quote. We will get back to you within 24 hours with any applicable discounts and a formalized quote.
Unless requested otherwise, all orders ship via standard FedEx Ground or USPS Priority Mail. Most products ship within 1-2 days and have a 3-5 day ground transit time. Due to supply chain and production issues, some products may be experiecing a delay and you will be notified via email of any delays.
Certain items may require either a prescription, medical license or a business facility license to process. If your purchase falls in that category, we will reach out to you to obtain proper documentation
How do I contact you?
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM
Phone: (562) 353-5829
Chat with us using the widget on the bottom right of your screen.