LS&S Ultra Lightweight Aluminum Rollator Flip-Up Seat Walking Aid

LS&S SKU: LSS-541013-D


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 Walking Aid
 Walking Aid
 Walking Aid
 Walking Aid

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LS&S Ultra Lightweight Aluminum Rollator Flip-Up Seat Walking Aid

The ultra lightweight aluminum Rollator helps you walk or sit, whenever you need it. The 22" high flip-up seat is padded and has a backrest for added comfort and a basket below for storage. The handles come with ergonomic handgrips with brakes for added safety.

The handle height is adjustable from 32" – 36", and the whole unit is only 24" in width. Weighs 15 pounds and folds easily for storage and travel. Maximum weight capacity is 300 pounds. Available in burgundy, green, blue or titanium color. Please specify in the pull-down menu above